I found these interesting decorations around the house. I think a friend took a bunch of Styrofoam balls, glued a bunch of seeds  to it and gave the out as Christmas presents. Something like that.
Anyways, I thought that these decorations (especially the sunflower seeds) showed very striking textures. By taking close ups, I could really capture the sharp points or the smooth bumps of the seeds.

What says leading lines better than a line of leading brand shoes?

This was taken with a Sony point and shoot. It has been a really long time since I have used a point and shoot and I was amazed by how much the technology put into those things has improved. There are so many different settings that mock those of an DSLR. Very impressive.

Tea lights + a mini pumpkin+ Myself = Occult like photos
How fitting for Halloween.

Simple macro shots done here with some dust and noise removal in Photoshop. I really like how these photos turned out; the light from the candles gave a very interesting glow against the skin of the pumpkin.

This was fun.
I had been really wanting to try out this photo. I've been seeing a lot of my friends doing it and getting some awesome shots. So I thought this would be fitting for this week's theme.
So my brother and I went outside on a cold autumn day with a camera and a macro lens. Wrong lens. Whoops. We set the camera to take timed multiple shots and then we threw the camera up in the air and hoped for the best.
The lens that we had was really heavy and our hands were very cold so each time that we caught the camera, it felt like there were sharp rocks being thrown at our hands. But somehow we managed to get a few good photos.

I wanted to get some pictures of the crisp leaves that just fallen to the ground but due to the rain, that wasn't possible. So instead, I captured how miserable autumn in Vancouver is by taking a picture of the crap that collects on the street.

Everytime I lie on my bed, I always see the patterns on the ceiling created the crystals of the chandelier. I always found them very interesting so I thought they would be fitting for this challenge. After taking the photo I simply turned it into a black and white image and played with the brightness and contrast via Photoshop.

This was taken in Burns Bog in one of the streams there. The time of day was really nice because the rays of the sun were leaking through the trees. I managed to find the sun shining on some leaves floating on the water. The light from the sun created clean and vibrant reflections on the surface of the water.

When we were told to go take pictures of things that had rainbows in them, I immediately thought of my set of pastels (since there's lots of colours...). I approached this by taking a photo directly above them with strong lighting. This way, the photo's colours would be bold and dramatic. I think it would make a nice phone background.